February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE
February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE
February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE
February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE

Work In Progress

The Society has two or three Work In Progress groups with three to five members. New groups are set up as needed. The members support each other to develop a manuscript to a completed draft stage. Each group works a little differently but most email work of pre-arranged length at specified intervals for peer comment. Some groups arrange Zoom meetings. Once a group is established members decide the format that suits them.

Please enquire about availability of WIP groups here:


Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here

What Do Members Say?

“I have a 10,000 word story that I am sure has the ability to be a novel. Belonging to a group such as this will keep me on track and hold me accountable. Along the way I will learn from and be encouraged by experienced writers.”

Patricia A.

The WIP Group
“I am thoroughly looking forward to joining this group and helping others to advance their writing. Joining a writing group is an ideal way of being held accountable. It makes you sit down and write!”

Caroline W.

The WIP Group
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