September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE
September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE
September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE
September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE

About Us

For over 50 years, the Society of Women Writers Victoria (SWWV) has supported women writers at every stage of their career. We welcome new and emerging writers, those who write for fun and professionals who write for a living.

At our monthly meetings we invite speakers to present talks and workshops on various aspects of writing and publishing to educate, inform and inspire. Our face to face meetings are held at Ross House.

We offer various Writers' GroupsBook Chats and Workshops for our members.

We send out a monthly newsletter with interesting articles, members’ news and achievements, and information on events. Members are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter.

Each year, members have the opportunity to be published in our anthology  Sparx.

A committee of volunteers develops the Society’s annual program. The committee works with the broader membership to run interesting meetings and workshops.

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us or read more about the Committee Members.

Well-known author Hazel Edwards, OAM, is the Patron of the Society. 

You can find out more about Society Members here.
Join us

Statement of Purpose

  1. To draw together practising women writers.
  2. To encourage women writers to achieve professional status by the regular conduct of:
    • workshops, poetry and prose readings, seminars, conferences, book launches
    • literary competitions with prizes, awards, distinctions
    • postal workshops designed for members who are unable to attend meetings available to other members
    • other activities the Committee considers appropriate such as public readings
  3. To promote the knowledge of literature among women writers and the wider community.
  4. To strengthen the ties of interest between Australian women writers and writers overseas.
  5. To co-operate with other associations or organizations, whose purposes are similar to those of our Society, by subscription, membership or joint seminar.
  6. To enter into agreement with government or council authorities to obtain rights, privileges or concessions to further the purposes of the Society.
  7. To print and publish newsletters, anthologies, magazines, books or leaflets that the Society considers desirable for its purposes and for the benefit of its members and the wider community.

A Brief History

The Australia-wide Society of Women Writers was founded in Sydney in 1925. The objective was to welcome women delegates and wives of delegates to the Imperial Press Conference held in Sydney that year. The organisers included the notable writer, Dame Mary Gilmore, DBE, and the journalist, Constance Robertson.

In 1970 Margaret Hazzard and a group of women writers in Melbourne formed the Victorian branch of the Society of Women Writers. 

You can read about the early years of the Victorian branch, including its founding members and activities, in A Brief History of the Victorian Branch Society of Women Writers 1970-1986 by Dorothy Richards. Members can access a copy of this publication in the Members Only section of the website or head to the Publications and Shop to download a copy for your Kindle.

The Society became an incorporated not-for-profit society in 2000.

There are Societies of Women Writers in New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia.

Work is underway to record the history of the Society’s first 50 years. If you have any documents or materials you would like to contribute to the project, please contact our Society President.
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