Exploring Songwriting with Louise Hopewell is 24 October 2024MORE
Exploring Songwriting with Louise Hopewell is 24 October 2024MORE
Exploring Songwriting with Louise Hopewell is 24 October 2024MORE
Exploring Songwriting with Louise Hopewell is 24 October 2024MORE


A group for ten to twelve people interested in prose of any genre. Operates similarly to Perennial Poets. Monthly submissions are collated into a journal, which is sent to each member in turn via email. Each member then receives the completed journal with all the feedback.

Facilitator: Lindsay Bamfield

What Do Members Say?

“I have a 10,000 word story that I am sure has the ability to be a novel. Belonging to a group such as this will keep me on track and hold me accountable. Along the way I will learn from and be encouraged by experienced writers.”

Patricia A.

The WIP Group
“For me the importance of the group workshop program has been the continuity of the connection over more than 15 years. Writing has not always been easy and the support that comes from friends in the group is so positive, you don’t ever quite let go. Along with that is the development of the writer’s sense of the need for balanced criticism and the happy acceptance of that criticism. This alone, would be reason enough to join a group of writers, but in fact the fellowship experienced in the group is even more valuable. After time you realise you’ve developed your ‘voice’, gained in skill and expanded your literary interests. Such connections are hard to come by and quite special.”

Del N.

“I discovered the Society of Women Writers Victoria around 1995 and joined a Postal Workshop not long after becoming a member. I can’t consider not being part of a workshop, the input from fellow writers has been important in my growth as a writer. To me though one of the biggest joys is being allowed to ride along on different authors’ journey as they write and publish their books.”

Paula W.

“Reading to critique the work of others has nurtured a greater awareness of the art of writing. Being critiqued on the other hand has nurtured an awareness not only of my own writing strengths but the possibilities of what and how I can improve the not-so-strong aspects of my work.”

Judith G.

“To send in a submission each month requires discipline, to heed the critiques given requires humility; to learn from them requires enlightenment, to grow as a writer requires perseverance. Surely there can be no greater influences than discipline, humility, enlightenment and perseverance.”

Patricia A.

“I love to write and I belong to two other local writing groups. The Carpe Diem workshop ladies didn’t know me and therefore were more impartial when providing feedback on my memoir. They had a wealth of experience in writing, grammar and punctuation and helped me to identify a number of (annoying) lapses in my writing I hadn’t previously noticed. As a result my writing became stronger and more succinct.”

Sue G.

“Having a number of people critique my writing, both offering encouragement and also constructive criticism allows for growth and development. Also, suggestions of various avenues that might be interested in my work (or even potential publication!) are also very inspirational to keep moving forward.”

Nenia T.

Perennial Poets & Spring
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