Tickets available: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
For the Love of Writing Festival - Friday (in person) is 21 February 2025MORE
For the Love of Writing Literary Festival - Tickets for Sat/Sun (online) is 22 February 2025MORE
Updated photos: Sweet Dreams with the SWWV – win a beautiful hand-made quilt MORE
Tickets available: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
For the Love of Writing Festival - Friday (in person) is 21 February 2025MORE
For the Love of Writing Literary Festival - Tickets for Sat/Sun (online) is 22 February 2025MORE
Updated photos: Sweet Dreams with the SWWV – win a beautiful hand-made quilt MORE
Tickets available: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
For the Love of Writing Festival - Friday (in person) is 21 February 2025MORE
For the Love of Writing Literary Festival - Tickets for Sat/Sun (online) is 22 February 2025MORE
Updated photos: Sweet Dreams with the SWWV – win a beautiful hand-made quilt MORE
Tickets available: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
For the Love of Writing Festival - Friday (in person) is 21 February 2025MORE
For the Love of Writing Literary Festival - Tickets for Sat/Sun (online) is 22 February 2025MORE
Updated photos: Sweet Dreams with the SWWV – win a beautiful hand-made quilt MORE

Workshops & Writers' Groups

The Society of Women Writers Victoria (SWWV) runs writers’ groups for members, whether emerging or established women writers, across different genres. We give friendly support to develop your skills, whether you write for fun or aiming for publication.
"Writing has not always been easy and the support that comes from friends in the group is so positive, you don’t ever quite let go. Along with that is the development of the writer’s sense of the need for balanced criticism and the happy acceptance of that criticism. This alone, would be reason enough to join a group of writers, but in fact the fellowship experienced in the group is even more valuable. After time you realise you’ve developed your ‘voice’, gained in skill and expanded your literary interests. Such connections are hard to come by and quite special."

Del N.

Society of Women Writers Victoria member
Throughout the year, we run one-off workshops on poetry, memoir, fiction, children’s writing and other genres. Keep an eye on the Events page for upcoming workshops - most of which are included in your membership. Non-members and guests may attend for a small fee.

Join a writers’ group

We run regular writers’ groups that encourage and support members to develop their writing. These groups are for new and emerging writers through to those seeking to be published.

Members who would like to join a writers’ group or need further information, please contact Writers’ Groups Coordinator, 
Fran Prem

If the group is full, you can join a waiting list. If there is sufficient interest, an additional group could be formed.

We currently run the following groups:

Perennial Poets

A group for ten people interested in all forms of poetry. Monthly submissions are collated into a journal by the facilitator. Each member in turn receives the journal, and has four days to comment on the contributions, before emailing it to the next person on the list. After all members have commented, the facilitator compiles the feedback for each member.

Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here

Wednesday Writers

A fortnightly online writing group for new members who enjoy responding to writing prompts. Operates similarly to Let’s Write.

Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here

Work In Progress

The Society has two or three Work In Progress groups with three to five members. New groups are set up as needed. The members support each other to develop a manuscript to a completed draft stage. Each group works a little differently but most email work of pre-arranged length at specified intervals for peer comment. Some groups arrange Zoom meetings. Once a group is established members decide the format that suits them.

Please enquire about availability of WIP groups here:


Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here


A group for ten to twelve people interested in prose of any genre. Operates similarly to Perennial Poets. Monthly submissions are collated into a journal, which is sent to each member in turn via email. Each member then receives the completed journal with all the feedback.

Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here

Let’s Write

A fortnightly online writing group specifically for new members who are new to the craft. It is a welcoming and friendly group providing an ideal way to meet other members and develop writing skills. From time to time existing members of the Society may pop in to say hello. The group is convened by an experienced member of the Society who can advise and mentor participants.

Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here

Need further information?

Check out the Writers’ Group Guidelines, and each specific writing group’s guidelines and members’ comments below.
Perennial Poets and SpringWork in Progress and Let’s Write
When submitting to Sparx or to tighten your writing within your particular writing group, the SWWV Style Guide may help.
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