February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE
February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE
February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE
February Monthly Meeting (online) is 14 February 2025MORE
Tickets sales ending soon: For the Love of Writing Literary Festival 21st-23rd Feb 2025!MORE
Win a beautiful hand-made quilt - tickets will end 19 Feb!MORE
The Kathryn Purnell Poetry Prize closes 5 May 2025MORE

Let’s Write

A fortnightly online writing group specifically for new members who are new to the craft. It is a welcoming and friendly group providing an ideal way to meet other members and develop writing skills. From time to time existing members of the Society may pop in to say hello. The group is convened by an experienced member of the Society who can advise and mentor participants.

Facilitator: Fran Prem
Contact: Click here

What Do Members Say?

“The disbanding of DLS, Melbourne together with the long lockdown resulted in a period of severe writers’ block and inactivity. Let’s Write uses written prompts and photographs to stimulate ideas. After ten minutes writing we share an amazing range of feelings: sorrow, joy, fear, hope and lots of laughter and friendship.

After joining Let’s Write, I am finding inspiration to write again almost every day.”

Margaret McD.

Let's Write member
“Paula asked us if we wanted to go to a fortnightly meeting schedule rather than our monthly get together. It was a unanimous ‘yes’. This Writing Group is doing me good, and I’m sure my writing will grow from the challenges of the prompts Paula selects for us.”

Jennifer M.

Let's Write member
“Let’s Write forces my mind to grab a thought I have never thought, to gather moments that have never been gathered and create a story that has never been created. Or has it, but was just buried beneath.”

Karen M.

Let's Write member
“I am a late-comer to writing. I joined the society after attending their 50 year celebration ‘For the Love of Writing’. What an inspirational eye opener to whet my appetite to finally attempt what I’d put on the back burner for 42 years. I joined the Society’s Spring writing group and Let’s Write because I was hungry to learn everything I could from others passionate about writing. The groups are full of encouragement with suggestions – both grammatically and flow of stories presented (it never sounds like criticism). I love how we are all different skill levels, some published, some like me – total beginner, yet united and encouraging in our pursuits to help each other accomplish. I’m extremely grateful to be part of such a wonderful inspiring group. I may be a total beginner but I’m never made to feel one.”

Barbara V.

Let's Write member
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