The Work in Progress groups are aimed at those working on full-length works with the aim of publishing. These may be novels, short story or poetry collections, memoir of non-fiction.
Members send out work to their peers by email for critiquing. Members may ask for specific types of critique, eg: focusing on character development or plot development. Or they may wish to focus more on grammar or editing skills.
We ask that those who join to give a regular commitment to sending out work and commenting on others’ work. We appreciate that members may need to take a break at times but they should commit to submitting and critiquing on a regular basis.
Setting up new groups requires a lead – who will remind members to submit work (if necessary) and liaise with the Writing Groups Coordinator regarding vacancies, whether this is because a member has dropped out, or the group agrees to increase the number of members.
Initially each member will send out a brief into of their work – eg: type and genre of work and the market it is aimed at. This is followed by each member emailing out 2,000-2,500 words of work for their peers to critique and send back comments within two weeks of receipt. If a member cannot submit work, please let peers know.
One established, groups may set their own criteria in term so frequency and length of work sent out.