September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE
September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE
September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE
September monthly meeting (in person) is 20 September 2024MORE

Del Nightingale

Del has lived in Melbourne from day one. Training to teach was the stepping off point for a varied career that included working with students, Prep to Year 12, along the way creating and coordinating programs for students with special needs. Slipping easily from the educational environment into welfare work Del coordinated support programs and delivered client services. As a business owner/operator she managed a computer bureau, provided vocational training and completed writing contracts for clients. Along the way there was time to sit on the school council and work in fund-raising. Together with her late husband, Del also worked in rural enterprises in rural Victoria, farming. In short there has been collected, much grist for the writers’ mill.

Since retiring Del has been able to spend 4 years with Radio Port Phillip 3rpp, compiling and presenting a regular weekly program, “Writers at Work”, a hugely enjoyable time. Many writers including SWWV members were introduced to listeners at this time. Poetry has become a firm favourite and Del has won a couple of SWWV poetry awards. However, nowadays Del writes for sheer pleasure and loves nothing better than to regale her family with tall tales.

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